RESEARCH FIELDS: Health Economics, Labor Economics, Econometrics

REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (as first or co-first author)

  1. Bai, Y., & Grignon, M. (2024). Why do drinkers earn more? Job characteristics as a possible link. Health Economics, 33(6), 1133-1152.

  2. Bai, Y., Kim, C., & Chum, A. (2024). Impact of the minimum wage increase on alcohol use disorders: a quasi-experimental study in South Korea, American Journal of Epidemiology.

  3. Bai, Y., Kim, C., ... & Chum, A. (2024) Long-term trends in mental health disparities across sexual orientations in the UK: a longitudinal analysis (2010-2021), Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.

  4. Kim, C., Bai, Y., Allin, S., Kirst, M., O’Campo, P., Ienciu, K., ... & Chum, A. (2024). Cannabis legalization and hospitalizations in Alberta: Interrupted time series analysis by age and sex. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 1-4.

  5. Kim, C., Bai, Y., Dusing, G. J., Nielsen, A., & Chum, A. (2024). The impact of minimum wage increase on suicidal ideation in South Korea: A difference-in-differences analysis using nationally representative panel data. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-9.

  6. Kim, C., Bai, Y., O'Campo, P., & Chum, A. (2024). Impact of the minimum wage increase on intimate partner violence (IPV): a quasi-experimental study in South Korea. J Epidemiol Community Health, 78(4), 235-240.

  7. Bai, Y., Kim, C., & Chum, A. (2023). Impact of the minimum wage increase on smoking behaviour: A quasi-experimental study in South Korea. Social Science and Medicine, 333, 116135.

  8. Bai, Y., & Veall, M. R. (2023). Minimum wages and mental health: Evidence from Canada. SSM-Mental Health, 3, 100187.

  9. Grignon, M., & Bai, Y. (2023). A cross-sectional analysis of the association between social capital and willingness to get COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 114(2), 175-184.


Grignon, M., Liu, Q., Bai, Y., Etoom, B. (2024). Assessing the Impact of the 2012 National Student Loan Forgiveness on Rural Health Human Resources, Health Reform Observer – Observatoire des Réformes de Santé, 11(3).

WORKING PAPERS (as first or co-first author)

“Mental health disparities across sexual orientations during the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal analysis of a UK nationally representative cohort,” with Antony Chum et al., revision and resubmission at Public Health

 "Chinese Minimum Wages and Health," with Michael Veall, Qian Liu, and Qiaoge Li, revision and resubmission at Social Science and Medicine

 “The Impact of Recreational Cannabis Retailer Allocation on Emergency Department Visits: A Natural Experiment Utilizing Lottery Design,” with Peiya Cao, Antony Chum, revision and resubmission at International Journal of Drug Policy

 “The impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis-related acute care events among adults with schizophrenia”, with Antony Chum & Chungah Kim, revision and resubmission at Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

 “Minimum wage and alcohol drinking: evidence from Canada,” with Michael Veall, revision and resubmission at Economics and Human Biology

 “Disparities in self-reported Mental Health, Physical Health, and Substance Use Across Sexual Orientations in Canada,” with Antony Chum & Chungah Kim

 “A. Rings and Rebuttals: A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Psychological Impact of marriage equality on Low-Income Black sexual minorities in the UK,” with Antony Chum & Chungah Kim

 “Minimum wage and smoking: evidence from Canada,” with Michael Veall

 “Minimum wage and health equity,” with Michael Veall

 “Effect of Same-Sex Marriage Legalisation on the Health of Ethnic Minority Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People: A Quasi-Experimental Study”, with Antony Chum & Chungah Kim

 “Disparities across sexual orientations in follow-up care after non-fatal suicide-related acute care events” with Antony Chum et al.

 “Why do smokers earn less in Canada?” with Michel Grignon